Carey McNamara PA-C
Telehealth appointments are a great option for individuals who can't take off time from work, or busy parents who do not want to interrupt their kid’s schedules, as well as those needing to quarantine or social distance. Telehealth offers flexible and convenient medical care and may or may not be the right fit for your particular needs.
Many people shy away from a virtual appointment thinking that the technology is complicated and they will not be able to figure out how to connect. We are here to walk you through every step of the process and can assure you that it is quite easy. After you have your first meeting you will feel like an expert. In fact if we determine that it is the right fit for you many people prefer it due to the convenience.
I am currently offering virtual appointments through my practice Whole Heart Family Medicine. You can learn more at the link below or contact me where we can asses your particular medical needs together to see if Telehealth is the right fit for you.